Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hello peeps.

Cell was erm... like normal? Just that we sat on chairs? Anyways, i don't like playing 7-up and the other game that we played yesterday. HATE IT.
You guys laughed at me ): I'm so pathetic, yes i know O: Kay, thanks Yang the sermon yesterday! (: Was good. (: Then after sermon, we guys left ): Heh heh. That's all for now, but but I'm posting a picture to end my post (:


PL2 praised Jesus at 6:42 PM

yoyoyo PL2!!
ppl pls blog and post the pictures leh...if not this blog gonna die!!
anyway,ppl how's sch and work...
hope it's been GREAT=D
but cont to trust in the Lord and He'll provide you wif the stregth and presever on!!
and rmbr to have a servant's heart like wad yang shared ystr too...
let's be UNTIED as one PL2 too in christ union!!and be there for each other...
cell was WONDERFUL!!but cldn't rly fellowship cos you guys left but the rest we had a great time of drinks=))
can't wait for MORE CELLS...whee!!

and OUTINGS too before aretha leaves...
anything,just UPDATE HERE.....

PL2 praised Jesus at 2:26 PM

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hey y'all

Just something that I found; it's really worth the minute of your time it'll take you to go through it.


P.S. Sorry I don't post much! I'll try to update if I can.

PL2 praised Jesus at 11:55 PM


This blog is so DEAD! -.- Kay, i don't know what to say O: Anyways, we've not had a PROPER cell for sucha long time like before i went japan -.- But.. Good news ;THERE'S CELL TODAY! FEEL HAPPY!

Can you feel the call of love?
Is it moving you to be a child of God of love?
Is it reaching you?
It’s everywhere the call of love.

PL2 praised Jesus at 2:07 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

happy 16 bday ron!!

happy 16th birthday ron!! :)
sweet 16 is finally here :D
happy birthday!! :D

cynthia and pl2 :)

PL2 praised Jesus at 7:47 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Awesome song I found (:

Guys, listen to this. You won't regret it!

Discover Jazzles!

PL2 praised Jesus at 4:46 PM

About Me

Zone 1
Bethel Youth Alive
Children of God


Worshiping God together as a cell
Jumping around
Games with no FORFEITS
Eating :D


"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

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Monthly Memories

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
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September 2009


Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.