Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello people!
First of for most, my speech today is about, * Drum Rolls..* Wait uh. What did I wanted to say? Uh oh! I...I... forget..! Stupid lah! ): Wait let me think again. * Lauren is forcing every single nerve cell to transmit signals to her tiny brain* " Think...Think..Think.." Okay, I can't think! This is bad. Real bad. Mama , help! Okay while waiting, Let's turn in for a commercial break. This is Lauren Chee reporting for the FiddleRiddleNiddleLiddleGiddleTiddleSiddlePiddleWiddleQiddleCiddle
BiddleMiddleZiddleXiddleYiddle Show.


PL2 praised Jesus at 4:21 PM

hello pl2

hello pl2! yang just went to missions right? i wasnt there though :( i had something on and couldnt cancel it :( anyways hopefully can go fetch him back :D
ands ands lauren told me to post something. i dont know wat to post though.. hmm.. brocoli cake? veggies? duckies? piggys? cows? haha random random random random!! :D


cynthia :)

PL2 praised Jesus at 4:16 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi people .
You know sometimes, I just feel like banging my head against the wall which I kinda did yesterday. Apologies. :/ It's like sometimes I just feel this world isn't fair. And, why can't this world be a better place like what happens in fairytales, being in your la la land. Where is real justice man? I got a project now and it's like I'm doing everything by myself ): and the group leader dosen't do anything at all. All he do is play. And there's the other guy, who is extremely lazy and confirm will not do anything. When I ask him to do some stuffs for the project, he'll either ignore me or just say, " okayokay" then the next time I ask him for the stuffs he was supposed to do, he say , " Huh? What thing?" I'm darn pissed off can! I just hate it when I've to do everything myself, I do the thinking, printing, planning. Gah! Then there's still other stuffs that's on my mind and things to do. I just keep praying and praying and just hoping for God's answer for me. I've cried. I've cried out to God. Sometimes I just feel so tired to just push on. Whats more. My teacher told me that the group I'm in for this project, there'll be an upcoming project next semester and I would be in the same group as them ): So freaking stress lah! I've got migranes now ): Anyways, please pray for me . Thank you !


PL2 praised Jesus at 5:54 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hey Guys!

Hey guys! I've followed the stuffs on Aretha's blog and made my own album cover. So here it is..


PL2 praised Jesus at 5:53 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009


thank god my fingers are healing :D
im here mainly cos lauren pushed the posting to me (lols). so lets talk :]
thurs and fru was sec 2 camp for me. boring.. go botanic feed mosquitoes -_-"
haha dun talk abt myself le la ltr u all sleep..
anyways do pray for aretha :) shes having a hard time at australia now. do remember to keep her in ur prayers yea :D
oh yea and happy belated bday, jerolyn! u are 17 years old now! :D
and and pray for lydia and lauren too :) basically just remember to keep everyone in ur prayers :) cos everyone needs that :] dun worry though, i will be praying for u all (though i sometimes might forget and pls remind me)
i wanna thank god for all that he has done for me and pl2. it was god and pl2 that made my life changed. wifout u guys i think i couldnt have survived (i may be exaggerating) through my days :] thank god for pl2. and thank god himself too :D
mavis - wonderful ZS you are!! continue to shine for god :)
jeremy - thank god for this wonderful CL and AZS :D jia you in life :)
aretha - i love you :) must continue to jia you and preservere on, dont give up!! :D
yang cheng - keep continue preservering, no matter what comes ur way, dun ever give up!! :)
gabriel - no matter how much work u have to do, keep jia you-ing!!
royston - continue to keep god's word even as u study and turn to god always. jia you!! :]
clara - continue to be a shining star for god, that u may use your talents in netball and sch and life to be a testimony for ur peers :)
ron - listen to god, dont act rashly. must endure on, dont give up :]
jerolyn - sec 5 may be tough, but dont "fang qi", "ren xiao qu"!! :D it will be over soon :)
linus - work hard, that you might be a living testimony for god in sch :D and jia you jia you!!
lauren - dont ever give up, remember what bible says abt there will be probs in christian walk of life? let out all to god, he will make a way :D
lydia - hope u get better :) though u may be busy cos of dance and all that, dont give up, let god help you. rely on his strength and have faith in him :D
azriel - its p6 PSLE!! study hard and dont fail god ya :) god gave you this smart brain you have that you can use it for testimony and that ur frens might come to know of the lord our god. jia you :)
thats all i have to say :) oh yea btw and if i dont reply ur msgs, pls understand, cos my msg is bombed by quite alot, more than 100 alr, so sorry and ya, thanks. cya all :)

-cynthia :D

PL2 praised Jesus at 11:16 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hey people. Blog leh.. ._. idk why always the same few people blogging.. -.- i dunno if this is blog dead or what. but anyways, cyn can help with posting. (: tho her fingers are burnt O: hope those fingers recover soon! I guess alot of stuffs has been happening to everyone but if they just take a minute or two to reflect and not let the world distract them from the attention of God, maybe it would help (: anways banging head against wall not fun (: table lol. see ya guys in church tomorow. Bye (:


PL2 praised Jesus at 1:31 AM

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hey ppl the pic on top is yang and his 19bday cake!!

2nd pic is me and lauren conver lols i dunno why i posted it also wahaha
and last pic is yang's 19 bday cake haha

PL2 praised Jesus at 4:04 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


haha hey lydia thanks for the video ahaha :)

ok my fingers are darn pain and im typing wif my little fingers now and im taking a long time to do tat... know why? cos i burnt my fingers while having home econ practical 2day. the cover/lid from the boiling pot of water dropped and i went to pick it up wif my bare hands. i didnt think so i anyhow pick up. didnt know it burnt me and very hot of i rushed bac to the table to put it and den i went t0 wash my swelled up fingers. my right hand second and thumb fingers and my left hand thumb is the worse. like the skin r crumpled. so it really pain and i went to tell my home econ partner abtit den he go tell teacher. so put antiseptic 2-3 times and emo there, cos i cant do any work liao. cant even write its very pain. thank god for my frens who were helping me there and encouraging me :D also thank god he was there. the pain didnt stop though. so i went back to class (my poor partner, doing everything by himself and helping me though himself hav stuff to do. and wat a coincidence,his name is gabriel!! same as my bro wahaha..) den went back to class. everything is my class partner help me de :) haha den aft sch rush home and my bro treated to the burns. thank u, ge ge :D now its quite ok, jus abit pain.but still cant do much. oh yea, andmy maths COMMON TEST was a failure.i got 23/50 :(
anyways pls pray for me. thanks :) dun forget, u all always be in my prayers :D

cynthia, the superpig:)

PL2 praised Jesus at 3:22 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009


PL2 praised Jesus at 6:56 PM

About Me

Zone 1
Bethel Youth Alive
Children of God


Worshiping God together as a cell
Jumping around
Games with no FORFEITS
Eating :D


"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

Message Board



Monthly Memories

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.