Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hey peeps. I don't know really what to say O:
Anyways, you guys must be busy preparing for the upcoming exams.
Study hard yeah and take good care of your health too and drink loads of water.
You don't wish to suffer from dehydration like me, do you? Though i can't really concentrate on my studying and this pea-sized brain of mine, can't absorb anything ):
I still have science researches to do and science competition so yeah life would be very busy for me ):
Then there's this swine flu, from pigs ._.
First it's bird flu, now swine flu. What next? Duck flu? Oh no no no. If there's duck flu, I'll be the first one to get it cause i have lotsa contact with them :D
Anyway exams are one thing. Duck is another. God is the most important focuse. So when you're busy studying, don't forget to make time to pray :D I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
And the first paper for me is

Okay, dead meat ._.
Lucky to get borderline pass :D
Chinese lesson can make you sleep one heh (: It's so amazing right? Hola china people! You made Lauren's life worse by 60% O:

Dear Republic of China,
XX I say Ni Hao in your face uh! ;D

Yours faithfully,


PL2 praised Jesus at 6:23 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

yo people! ;D
sorry for not blogging coz damn busy..
exams are around the corner.. JIA YOUS EVERYONE! ((:


PL2 praised Jesus at 5:58 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009


hey peeps!! :D
i dunno what to post abt -.- lols..
wish lauren a speedy recovery!! :D
and for lydia to get back her REAL voice and NOT change back to her sexy voice when she talk too much :) haha.. :D
aretha must continues to preservere on :D
yang just started poly!! jy :D
jerolyn O'lvl this year!! jyjy :D
azriel psle this year!! study hard!! :D
clara is taking N'lvls this year!! isit? if im not wrong it is.. sorry clara!! :) jyjy :D
royston must not give up!! :D
linus also cant give up hor!! :D


lets all welcome zu er shall we :D CLAP HANDS!!! :D :D haha..

when u think you are hopeless, open your eyes. WIDE. look around you. there are ppl worser than you. they have to foot electricity bills, water supply bills, everything!! prob is they have to $, no job, they are worser than all of us here. look in it in a diff way, in a diff light. thank god we have the essential nessecities of living a life, even. so may we thank god for everything we've got and not complain or grumble about how hot the weather is, (as these few days the weather has went haywire, hot hot hot all the way!!), and abt all other probs and stuffs we've got. god will certainly make a way, im positive and optimistic about that. but still i thank god for everything he've given me :D praise the lord!! :D

PL2 praised Jesus at 9:38 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

yo ppl((:
sry haven't been tagging and blogging much yea...
and thanks lauren for making the blog stay alive...hahah
thanks cyn for the rly sweet post:D
happy birthday!
and everyone else!!jyjy for everything you do esp jero,yang and azriel who are in your major can do it ppl and rmbr pl2 will always be behind each do your best and shine for Jesus!!hope you guys are doin fine!!just update us yea...and rmbr you guys are always in my prayers!!
wheeee...this fri finally got CELL OUTING!! flow of ice cream?that'd be GREAT man...hope that it'll be a great fellowship and everyone come and enjoy and have fun tgt man...
we got a new sec1 girl rite...wheee
takecare and see yea guys

PL2 praised Jesus at 12:16 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

HEY!! :D

hey ppl!! long time since we had cell le. anyways, congrats to lydia who has recovered and got back her voice!! :D jia yous lydia for ur syf!! :D
and for jerolyn too, who is gonna take O lvl chinese soon :) jia you jia you!! :D
yang is starting poly!! jyjy :D
aretha, study hard!! :)
lauren, dont give up, preservere on yea :D
azriel! this is ur psle year!! study yea :)

y'all know what? when u think the world and everything is unfair to you, or u have challenges and obstacles ahead of you, well think about this, there are people out there in a worse case, worser than all of us. god has been good to us, as long as we have the 3 main essentials of surviving, that is food, water and shelter, we are already blessed. the rest are all luxury. so try to see things in a different light, and know that god is always there for u :D

-cynthia :D

PL2 praised Jesus at 10:07 PM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey guys.
Thanks those who showed me concern today :D I can bear with the pain, if it makes him happy, then let him continue, cause one day when he gets too tired, he'll eventually stop i suppose :S The pain never stops. It just flows out like a running tap. Drop by drop. Innocent look. What the sial. He gives me crap i give him parc :D


PL2 praised Jesus at 8:04 PM

About Me

Zone 1
Bethel Youth Alive
Children of God


Worshiping God together as a cell
Jumping around
Games with no FORFEITS
Eating :D


"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

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Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.