Saturday, September 19, 2009


cell outing was funn !
camwhoring rocks ((:
i have uploaded the pictures in fb and tagged all of you alr.. ^^

like finally blogger can upload pictures.. (:

Jk, :D

PL2 praised Jesus at 3:31 PM

Sunday, August 30, 2009

HI PL2 :)

thye pl2 blog is DEAD! d-e-a-d! omg. quick, quick do smth abt it. that's why i'm here to post :D actually is lauren ask me to post de LOL :P
anw, so hows everything and all that? O's and N's coming liaos! JYJY for those taking O and N! :D and poly just finished exams! *jealous* sec sch EOY coming le! OMG. and PSLE also! haiyah, JY everyone!
blogger is super idiot. cannot upload pic :X
and CLARA TAN ZI EN's birthday is on 3 sept! :) everyone wish her a happy bday if you dunno her bday :X
anw, cya yea guys on family day at da zoo! *go all the way to zoo for family day, i don't get it :X super far, wake up so early. WALAO EH!*

Cynthia :)
*pls call me TAEHEE from now on! it's my unofficial new name :)*

PL2 praised Jesus at 9:39 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009


this blog have been dead for like 2 months already..
Im here to revive it :D
& blogger sucks..cant upload pictures ):


PL2 praised Jesus at 2:02 PM

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello Veggies

Hello once again. I know the blog's dead. But it won't be for long , I supposed and hoped. My back is aching like HELL. Okay nevermind. Anyways, I know you guys don't really like Veggies let alone cabbages. But after this post, you'll love cabbages ( Not guaranteed)
So here it goes ,

Aww , I know...
Cool and nice hur?
Wanna try one?
Hesitate no more!
One bunch of Cabbage only cost $1.99 ( 500 g )
For the first 100 customers, you'll get Mama Beebee's Garden Salad Recipe!
Just Dial 1800-9353-cabbages
Free delivery only to Singapore.
( Countries outside Singapore will not be accepted , I don't want my Cabbages to come in contact with anyone having H1N1 virus on the airplane. )
No Service Charge at all. Now , Who would want to charge you extra money for such lovely cabbages? That's why , no service charge is strictly a YES.
So what are you waiting for?
Come and buy!
It's not only healthy. It's tasty too!

Your lovely Cabbage wholesaler

PL2 praised Jesus at 12:10 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009

this blog is dead man -.-


I'm begining to think this blog is dead :X how?? someone SAVE this blog!! @.@ AHHHH

cynthia :)

PL2 praised Jesus at 11:21 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bello everyone!

Bello !
I hope you guys like the new skin . Thanks to Jerolyn who helped me to solve the mess . Thank you ! :D
Yeah, so feel free to post anytime.
Lydia suggested putting up a song so yeah if you have any songs you wanna put up, feel free to do so.
Yup, i suppose some of you guys are still having your mid years.
So continue to work hard and strive for your exams with God's help it's definitely possible
Oh yeah, we celebrated Linus's birthday yesterday :D

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

I've run out of blogger ink so i'll stop here


PL2 praised Jesus at 12:49 PM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

hmmm,everyone exams now,yang poly,jere bible sch and stuffs so let's just all JYJY tgt and do well to glorify God's name...
whenever you can't concentrate or think you can't do it,just PRAY cos it rly works((:
God's always there and He'll help us and give us the stregth to carry on and focus wif our work:D
let's all just do our best and work hard tgt aft that then can enjoy le...
cyn:thanks for the wonderful post like always((:you left jere and ron out and qiaoer:p
lauren:you can do it and i'll pray for yea too and dun fear chinese cos God's greater then anything and it'll not make your life worse cos every battle we're fighting and overcoming,God's wif us pulling us thru and when it's over or btr,we'll feel stronger so nvr give up(apply to everyone hor...)hahahh
i shall add for them
JERE!cont shining on and being a wonderful dad to PL2 and dun give up in bible sch and also as you're starting uni((:
RON!jyjy in your studies and press on:D
QIAOER!we nvr leave you out!!hahah((: thanks for adding joy and laughter to PL2 esp at minds cafe..and liftening up wif your cuteness!!cont to shine on and as you take your PSLE jyjy and do well but rmbr put God first and He'll honour you(same to all..)
ZUER!it's rly nice having another buddy,like you of our 'sec2s girls' in PL2((: cont to shine on:D
yea,everyone no matter wad rmbr you're loved by so many ppl so cont to smile and dun give up!!
spread the smile and cheer others and make them feel Christ's love for them man


PL2 praised Jesus at 4:57 PM

About Me

Zone 1
Bethel Youth Alive
Children of God


Worshiping God together as a cell
Jumping around
Games with no FORFEITS
Eating :D


"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

Message Board



Monthly Memories

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.